Shelley reform, sagging and wrinkles on the face and neck by removing excess fat, tightening muscles and removing excess skin of the face.
More patients who are candidates face lift, men and women over 40 years old who want to improve visible signs of aging on your face.
Duration of action:
couple of hours.
side effects:
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and skin irritation. A feeling of tightness and stretch marks.
Back to work: after 10 to 14 days.
Intense activity after 2 weeks or more.
Bruises heal after 2 to 3 weeks.
Lift Patients should not drink alcohol, steam bath, sauna to stay a few months until recovery, will not be exposed to sunlight for several months.
Highlighting the wound edges (hypertrophic scars), infection, bleeding, shift sideburns, rarely, damage to the facial nerve branches that are usually temporary.
Usually lasts 3 to 7 years.
Surgical technique:
Usually cutting in front of the temple begins and continues along the natural folds (location depends on the structure of the cut and arrange for the patient and surgical technique). In general, the surgeon separates the skin from the fat and adding muscle or fat suction is removed, muscles are stiff, add and remove skin repair is performed.
The patient’s condition:
Temporary or one-day hospitalization is usually required hospitalization. P>
Relative local anesthesia